Yarn OverBoard Podcast

Yarn OverBoard Podcast Episode 1

Hello Everyone!

Today I am super thrilled to share with you the first ever episode of the Yarn OverBoard Podcast!

This year a main of mine has been to learn, not just within crochet but also learn more about myself and different areas of life that i’ve never quite had the time or energy to focus on.

Another goal of mine is to be more active in getting to know the other makers in the Crochet and Fiber Arts Community, so i figured what better way to learn and open up conversation with other creative minds than with a podcast?

So today we have a very special guest, Harrison Richards, founder and owner of Furls Crochet! If you don’t know about Furls, don’t worry, you are definitely going to know all about them after this episode! You can also check out some of their social media links below as well!

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